Private Groups

I work with private book groups, non-profit and philanthropic organizations, boards, clubs, and other groups to facilitate book discussions in genres including memoir, biography, literary fiction, and narrative non-fiction. I also lead discussions of documentary films on a range of topics, which participants view independently before meeting together.

Upper West Side Wednesday Evening Class LOGIN

Tuesday Afternoon NYC Private Class LOGIN

Is your book group or organization seeking new ideas to satisfy intellectual curiosity, generate discussion, learn about a specific topic or social issue, or simply gather together in a meaningful way?

Are you already part of a book or discussion group, but the conversations aren’t as substantive as you would like? Would you like to try something different - perhaps substituting a film or recent podcast as a focus for your next meeting?

Do you seek insight and information that illuminates the social context and cultural complexities that inform the book or topic at hand?

Would you like to arrange a private tour for your group with knowledgable docents, museum educators, or curators at local musuems and cultural institutions? Or enhance your museum visits with discussions of supplemental readings, podcasts, films or other related materials?

Lori organized a special private group visit to the Jewish Museum in New York City. Please contact her if you would like assistance in planning a tour with expert docents or museum educators.

How Does It Work?

I can help your group choose content that will inspire thoughtful, and sometimes challenging, discussions. As preparation for our group discussion, I highlight background information about authors and filmmakers; offer a summary of critical reviews; and provide contextual references to social, historical, and political developments related to the book or film. My questions are carefully planned to inspire probing discussions and to limit digressions, but I also let the conversation flow organically to enable multiple perspectives, insights, questions, and emotions to emerge.

If travel and/or safety restrictions require meeting online, I will set up a zoom link available to all participants to convene from the comfort and safety of home. When possible, in-person sessions can be arranged at a mutually convenient location.

Please contact me to discuss how we can tailor a program specifically to enhance and enliven your group's next gathering.

Organizations Where I Have Partnered and/ or Offered Programs:

Larchmont Temple, NY

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, MA

The American Jewish World Service

Coalition for Understanding Racism through Education (CURE)

Fairview Country Club, CT

Bonnie Briar Country Club, NY

Am Hayam of Cape Cod, MA

Community Synagogue of Rye

Pause to Be Present, NY


High Ridge Country Club, FL

Falmouth Congregation, MA

UJA-Federation of New York

JCC of Manhattan, NY

JCC of Mid-Westchester, NY

92Y Roundtable, NY

Cornell University Alumni Association 

Impact 100 Westchester, NY